Left Seat Tips and Tactics

There is no doubt that the driver/engineer is one of the most critical jobs in any fire company. This class is a fast-paced look at effective, time-tested techniques; tricks of the trade; and tips for engineers. It will review tactical considerations on a variety of incidents uniquely from the perspective of the engineer. The wide variety of incidents a fire company responds to requires the engineer to be on his “A” game at all times. This class will impart several, real-world quick tips and will provide valuable training in areas such as booster backup, positive and static water supply, relay, tandem and dual pumping operations, as well as diagnosing and correcting common (and some not-so-common) problems that engineers may encounter on scene. It is geared toward current, newly promoted, and step-up engineers as well as those firefighters seeking to promote and company officers looking to provide quality company level training to their crew. It is also aimed at training officers looking to improve their current driver/engineer development programs.