Low-intake/High-Exhaust Vent Profile and Its Dangerous Consequences.

Fires grow and develop when air enters the fire compartment low and exhausts from the upper portion of the fire compartment. “Modern fires, as we now know, develop and release more energy than the “legacy fires” that had fewer synthetic products as their fuel source. Modern fire behavior requires modern fire suppression tactics and modern forward thinking fire service leadership. This class is designed to impart the techniques, supported by science, required to combat modern fire behavior. It will link the ventilation profile to flow path and conditions in the fire building. The rapid fire growth and heat release rate experienced in “modern fires” place our members in an environment more hazardous than ever before. Proper size-up of the structure and ventilation profile coupled with a understanding of the modern fire environment will give operating members and incident commanders indications of the interior conditions in the flow path and how to best initiate fire control to aid civilians and support operations on the fire ground. “Modern fires” require updated tactics for ventilation and suppression. Interior and exterior fire ground operations must be communicated and coordinated to ensure safety and rapid fire control.