Mastering Recruitment, Retention, and Mentoring

Public service is widely regarded as a noble and essential profession. Within that realm, the fire service holds a particularly esteemed position. Despite this, fire departments across the country continue to face significant challenges in both recruiting and retaining personnel. This program aims to delve into the most current statistics of fire and emergency services, drawing insights from NFPA Needs Assessment and comparing this data with trends observed over recent years. One of the key issues we will explore is the public perception that discourages many women from pursuing careers in firefighting. Misconceptions about physical requirements and a lack of visible role models can contribute to the belief that women are not suited for this demanding field. The class will address misconception head-on, provide a platform for open discussion, and educate to challenge and change these outdated perceptions. We will introduce and evaluate proven strategies designed to foster a more inclusive and diverse fire service such as targeted recruitment campaigns, mentorship programs, and policy changes aimed at creating a more supportive and equitable workplace.
*Eligible for CEH/CAPCE Credit