Smart Instructors + Smart Tech = Smarter Students

This class will examine the resources and tools available to the modern fire/EMS instructor emphasizing the efficacy of providing an updated, interactive, engaging learning experience for the audience. We will examine the latest tools available to instructors to make their content easier to organize, present, and understand. Attendees will gain insight into making their training content more potent and impactful. This class goes far beyond the traditional lecture and slideshow methodology of decades past to meet fire/EMS students where and how they learn today. Attendees will return to their departments armed with the knowledge and ability to apply what they learned to evolve their existing training curriculum in addition to how to create training content in the future. We will also discuss how to match learning platforms to different audiences, objectives, and content. This includes considerations for generational differences, technological competency, and learning styles. Attendees will leave with an overflowing technological toolbox of ready-to-use, low-cost options for modernizing and maximizing their training content's effectiveness to meet the needs and expectations of modern fire/EMS students.
*Eligible for CEH/CAPCE Credit