The Influence of Building Construction, Risk, and Fireground Decision Making on Commanders

Today more than ever, understanding and comprehending the complexities of the built-environment and construction and the effects of fire dynamics on fire suppression operations are a must. With an evolving dynamic fireground, simple to complex buildings and varied occupancies they present increasing challenges that are redefined strategic and tactical fireground management and impact operations on an escalating and varied levels. Building construction, occupancy risks, and the predictability of building performance under fire conditions have a profound influence on the management of operations, identification of tactical protocols, and deployment of resources. Understanding key inherent building performance characteristics, insights from emerging fire research and their relationships, and variables in command decision-making methodologies and practices is fundamental to firefighting and incident management on today’s evolving and demanding fireground. A broad look at trends, risk, and emerging construction issues challenging today’s emerging and practicing company officers and commanders, the program will provide insights across a broad spectrum of building construction and occupancy types.