The Professional Volunteer Fire Department

Being considered a professional firefighter has absolutely nothing to do with earning a paycheck. And just because a firehouse is filled with paid staff in no way means it is a professional fire department. This coveted title "professional" is never just automatically assigned to a firefighter or a department. It needs to be earned both individually and organizationally by building and maintaining a strong professional culture that all members buy into. This type of culture can increase membership, improve retention, enhance morale, increase funding, and lead to better support from the community residents as well as the local governing bodies. All members of the organization should be introduced to this professional culture the moment they join and remain committed to supporting it throughout their fire service journey. The culture should also be experienced outside the firehouse walls as well, with the members of the community respecting their local volunteer department and viewing it as a well-run, competent organization filled with truly special and dedicated people. The challenges facing the volunteer fire service today are well documented; however, all the ideas and recommendations that are provided in this presentation to build, enhance, and maintain a professional culture are easy to implement. No matter the dynamics or challenges, it is still possible to be a true professional firefighter serving in a true professional volunteer fire department.