Unicorns and Trolls: Building Followership in a Changing Environment

Fire service leaders are losing followers every day. The service is left adrift without leaders while some in the service advocate abandoning the chief officers and company officers in favor of the growing pirate mentality. This shift in the fire service culture is illustrative of a disconnection between the evolving mission of the service and the traditional image and identity firmly held by some influential members. Managing and living through evolution is always difficult and requires strong leaders, willing followers, and committed membership to be successful. It seems that fire service leaders often are forced to climb a steep and unforgiving path while their detractors are often unwilling to take those same steps themselves and simply cast aspersion and doubt at anyone who accepts the challenge. This session will share perspectives of change resistance and the psychology surrounding our exceptionally strong resistance to leaders or toward the mission. The participants will learn tools for leading change in an organization or peer group as well as for effective followership in the form of leading up when leaders are lacking. This session uses parables of change management, review of psychology effecting change resistance, and a look at best practices to help the participants approach change with a greater chance at success.
*Eligible for CEH/CAPCE Credit