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Commanding From The Sidelines

Tuesday, April 16
Precon Workshop
Strategy & Tactics

Command Success: Commanding from the Sidelines This fast paced half day program will cover fireground size-up and what to look for based on the resources assigned to the alarm. Understanding time delayed tactics, Isakson will show how you can make the most of the first arriving companies before all hands arrive. It is critical to be realistic with what your assigned resources can and cannot do based on each company's actual capabilities based on apparatus, training, and experience - a three person ladder with a step up officer, new driver, and rookie assigned cannot do what a four person, seasoned crew can do. It is important that the fireground commander use the size-up and understanding of time delayed tactics to properly assign crews to get the most out of your bench to mitigate the incident. Curt Isakson - Escambia County Fire Rescue Curt Isakson

Curt Isakson, Battalion Chief - ESCAMBIA County Fire Rescue