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FSRI Fire Dynamics Boot Camp: Overview, Resources, and Implementation

Wednesday, April 17
Classroom Session

This presentation is about what is taught in an FSRI Fire Dynamics Boot Camp, the online resources to enable you to teach the materials, and the tips for implementing evidence-based firefighting tactics in your department. The UL Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) Fire Dynamics Boot Camp is a train-the-trainer course designed to enable fire service leaders and instructors to incorporate the most current research findings about fire behavior and firefighting tactics into their organization’s training program. The boot camp focuses on the “how” and “why” of fire dynamics. The boot camp uses hands-on tabletop fire experiments, reduced-scale flow path models, the hose stream mechanics prop, and full-scale fire demonstrations to reinforce the fire dynamics-based tactics. Classroom segments combined with the hands-on activities enable attendees to understand how to apply fire dynamics information in the street. The FSRI Fire Safety Academy is a free, online learning management system equipped with numerous firefighting training courses designed for real-world application. Now instructor resources and micro lessons have been added to the Fire Safety Academy to provide fire dynamics basics in a way that they can be incorporated into firefighter academy classes, in-service training, or company drills. Using these resources provides a means to implementing changes in SOGs or training to enhance the firefighting tactics used in your department.  Other sources of information such as NFPA 1700 will also be discussed in terms of helping to adjust practices on the fireground.

Daniel Madrzykowski, Senior Director of Research - UL Fire Safety Research Institute