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Lead from the Front: Success in the Fire Service, on the Fireground, and in Life

Friday, April 19
Classroom Session

This 45-year veteran of the fire service discusses leadership development, the power of positivity, conquering PTSD, the power of mentors, critical incident decision making, fireground tactics, achieving your goals, and motivating your team. The instructor will share case studies and powerful lessons learned from his personal experiences including his 36-year career on the Chicago Fire Department. He shares lessons learned from the many mentors in his life as well as those learned by trial and error while working on the busiest fire companies and battalions in the Chicago Fire Department. The goal of this presentation is to motivate those in attendance to enrich their lives by taking control of their life; conquering their goals; and becoming better leaders, better mentors, and better people.

Steve Chikerotis, Deputy District Chief (retired) - Chicago Fire Department