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Live Fire: RIT Under Fire

Monday, April 15
HOT 8 Hour
Rapid Intervention

STAGING: Participants must stage at 5:45 a.m. for prompt bus departure at 6:00 a.m.

Join the experienced instructors at the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) who will deliver an intense course in the necessary skills to effectively operate as a member of a rapid intervention team (RIT). Maximizing every bit of time, the students will participate in a classroom-style lecture during the bus ride to the facility. Once on site, students will participate in multiple live fire skill development rotations that include challenging ladder rescues with and without SCBA, lifts to the window, cribbing, debris cuts, approaches to the down firefighter, and numerous drags and carries. Students finish up with best practices decon then participate in training critiques and debriefing during the bus ride back.

PPE Required: NFPA-compliant structural firefighting pants, coat, hood, gloves, boots, and helmet. (SCBA and face piece will be provided.)

*Eligible for CEH/CAPCE Credit

Gary Coney, Lead Instructor - RIT Under Fire