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Merging EMS into a Fire-Based System

Thursday, April 18
Classroom Session

This session will help EMS officers learn how to integrate with the fire side of their agency. The fire department is steeped in culture, and years of tradition have built a stigma that focuses on fire suppression. Over the years, fire departments have started to work in the areas of education and prevention, and now EMS has become a major component of fire rescue departments. In most such agencies, EMS makes up a majority of emergency calls, and it also tends to be the largest source of income for the department (due to transport and treatment fees). Regardless of the percentage of calls and income, EMS still has a lot to overcome regarding culture. This session is not intended to change your culture, but we will work collaboratively to create innovative ways to address your department's issues. Our goal will be to create an authentic fire rescue culture that will most efficiently care for our customers.

*Eligible for CEH/CAPCE Credit

Charles Coyle, Division Chief of Medical Services - Palm Beach County Fire Recsue