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Research-Based CRR at the Company Level

Tuesday, April 16
Precon Workshop

Community risk reduction (CRR) is the hot phrase being used by department leadership, but little direction is being provided to fire companies who are directed to engage with the public and employ risk reduction strategies. CRR training is typically targeted toward prevention staff more than line firefighters and company officers. Due to a lack of resources or updated education, many departments are also still using outdated messaging that can be harmful for the public. 

This class will highlight the latest science-based public fire safety messages and resources developed by UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) with the fire service and will make the connection to firefighting knowledge and tactics. Participants will learn how to identify areas of engagement that are authentic, strengthening the ties between the department and the community and making the community a safer place to live and work.

Becki Rowan White - Chanhassen Fire Department
Jennifer Williams, Senior Research Amplification Specialist - UL's Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI)