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Searchable vs. Survivable: Educated Decision Making

Monday, April 15
Precon Workshop

This lecture will cover many topics related to search. It will keep the focus on our primary mission of the fire service—life. With our modern fire environment, time is not a luxury we have, and it is imperative that we have a system in place designed for quick decision making. We will discuss the importance of sizing up the search on our 360 and using the staffing we have wisely to occupy the spaces where our victims are most likely to be found. We should be locating and removing victims in the most efficient manner and using the data we have collected from research, coupled with real world experiences, to choose the proper tactics for us to succeed in our efforts of putting our civilians first. This class is about being intelligently aggressive and focusing our efforts on where we can do the greatest good at the moment. Searching is about predictable behavior patterns as well as prioritizing spaces that our victims are most likely to be found, when we are able to do so. There is no singular mode but rather multiple methods to enhance the survivability for the unprotected occupant. We must break free from the standard approach of “This is how we have always done it” and concentrate our efforts on what is best for our civilians trapped by fire.

*Eligible for CEH/CAPCE Credit

Sean Duffy, Firefighter - City of Ann Arbor