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The Engine Company's Guide to Large Handlines

Friday, April 19
Classroom Session
Engine Company

This class is designed to guide fire departments on the ins and outs of large attack lines. As the usage of small, preconnected handlines has become the go-to option, comfort level in the deployments and tactical decision making surrounding attack lines of greater diameters has declined significantly. This puts us at a greater risk for property loss, multiple-alarm fires, and even LODDs; our fire attack must escalate to match fire growth beyond a typical residential fire. With dozens of hoselines being classified as a large handline, there is additional confusion as to which should be employed. To combat this trend, we will take an in-depth look into large attack line deployments and how these packages are selected, stretched, and flowed. Through a clear understanding of the intended purpose of line sizes with diameters greater than 2-inch and less than 3-inch, we will find solutions that will guide any department in developing competency, regardless of department staffing or size.

Jonathan Brumley, Firefighter - Denver Fire Department