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The Functional Fire Company

Monday, April 15
Precon Workshop

Learn the Eight Cs of Success: Commitment, Culture, Character, Competence, Capabilities, Coordination, Contribution, and Communications. Commitment focuses on the three levels of professionalism and the 16 commitments of a functional fire company. Culture will look at the four levels of culture: the macro occupational culture, organizational culture, subcultures, and micro cultures and the significant influence that culture has on all groups and organizations. Character is about people and mindset. Capabilities goes into detail on company level training, learning, and performance. Capabilities is discussed in relation to operational capabilities and limitations and defining functional and dysfunctional. Coordination references data and science and how the previous five Cs all work toward efficiency and effectiveness in the firehouse and on the fireground. Contribution and communication reference effective supervision, courageous leadership, and the officer’s role in leading a functional fire company.

Scott Thompson, Chief of Department - The Colony Texas Fire Department