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The Residential Playbook

Wednesday, April 09

As questions continue to arise into how fire department interventions affect fire dynamics, firefighter safety, and victim survivability in structure fires, UL's Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) is working to address these knowledge gaps through firefighting tactics research. FSRI has now completed a suite of projects covering suppression, ventilation and search and rescue operations on the residential fireground. This class will be a summary of the ideal execution of suppression methods and how to coordinate these efforts with both ventilation and search tactics to maximize firefighter safety and victim survivability. This culmination of research studies into the residential fireground has led to the gold standard of how these fire department interventions should be implemented on your fireground. The results from these studies will be shared in the form of tactical considerations for you to take back to your department and adopt as you see fit based on your response model, your staffing, and specifics of your local area.

Keith Stakes, Lead Research Engineer - Fire Safety Research Institute (MD)
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