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The Tactics of Leadership

Tuesday, April 16
Precon Workshop

We focus on tangible ways to increase your leadership influence and build your command presence. This is a fast moving, informative and entertaining program. Based off the culmination of years of successes and failures as well as the new book by Fire Engineering, "Command Presence." This program addresses the gap between leadership and tactical excellence giving you the tool and tactics to be successful. We present a practical approach to leadership; ways to avoid the pitfalls of command are explored; and the operational realities we face, from the day-to-day politics to the tactical mistakes, all are covered.  Far too many leaders fall into the trap of having a myopic view of our service or equally as damaging they focus on broad strategies without mastering the tactics needed to be successful and often diminish their own command without realizing it. It does not matter if you’re attacking a fire or working with or against city hall; the path to success is in front of you, and this program will help ensure you know the tactics that will make you effective at a fire, running a meeting or talking to the press.

Frank Ricci, ret. Battalion Chief, Past Union President, Drillmaster. Current Fellow at a think tank - New Haven CT