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Understanding and Mitigating New Vehicle Extrication and Electric Vehicle Fire Challenges for Today and Tomorrow

Tuesday, April 16
Precon Workshop
Emerging Technologies

New vehicle technology presents ever-changing challenges for rescuers. Students will gain an understanding of how vehicles have changed and will continue to change, along with the extrication and vehicle fire challenges these changes have created for responders. New metallurgy, design, construction, effects of changes in safety standards, and safety system changes are addressed, as are the new fire challenges presented by hybrids, EVs, combustible metals, and lithium ion battery-fueled fires. Reevaluation of current methods, tactics, and equipment is a recurrent theme. Changes, advances, and limitations in current fire and rescue technology are also covered. This program is based on the first-hand, ongoing relationship between the instructor and automotive engineers at Volvo, Ford, Mercedes Benz, and lithium ion vehicle battery manufacturers.

*Eligible for CEH/CAPCE Credit


This session is sponsored by:

Carl Haddon, Deputy Chief (Ret) - North Fork (Idaho) Fire Department