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    • Women in Fire
  1. Women In Fire
    This class gets real about what leadership of the future has to be. Buzzwords like authenticity and emotional intelligence are floating around in the leadership space, but this presentation will show ...
  2. Women In Fire
    Unfortunately, bad things happen to even the best fire departments. We are great at responding to other people's emergencies, but are we prepared to respond when tragedy strikes our department or we h ...
  3. Women In Fire
    Leadership is a key factor for the success and effectiveness of any fire service organization. However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership, as different situations and challenges may ...
  4. Women In Fire
    This class covers key critical areas of communication in the firehouse. What is the number 1 reason for failure in the firehouse or on the fireground? Communication. And while 90% of the fires we figh ...
  5. Women In Fire
    Recruiting, retention, readiness. Mentorship, succession, promotion, mental health, and mutual-aide relationships. These all seem like separate issues but they can all be addressed, in part, through a ...
  6. Women In Fire
    Have you ever doubted your career choice, position, status, or promotion, or have you doubted if you are showing up as your authentic self? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this class is ...
  7. Women In Fire
    Firefighter pregnancy—and the first months after the birth of a firefighter’s baby—can be one of the most complex personnel issues your fire department will confront. To top off the challenge, a new l ...
  8. Women In Fire
    Preet Bassi has been chief executive officer of the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE) since 2014 and oversees work across all fire department accreditation, credentialing, and education progr ...
  9. Women In Fire
    This training teaches first responder leaders how their leadership style before, during, and after potentially traumatic events (PTEs) influences if their subordinates develop PTSD, Delayed Healing, R ...
  10. Women In Fire
    In a unique profession where camaraderie is important and we thrive off peer groups, how do you effectively create and maintain boundaries while finding a new support system? This class is designed to ...
  11. Women In Fire
    As an officer, you are responsible for effective EEO training, setting the standard and resolving any problems that arise before things get out of hand. This program will not focus greatly on what the ...
  12. Women In Fire
    The United States Fire Administrator's Summit on Fire Prevention and Control: State of Science identified recruitment and retention of personnel for career, volunteer, and combination organizations as ...
  13. Women In Fire
    The 7 C's of Fire Officer Trust are Commitment, Competence, Confidence, Communication, Courtesy, Consistency, and Courage. It's a privilege and honor to train new officers in a variety of ranks and di ...
  14. Women In Fire
    This program is designed to address one of the biggest issue facing the American fire service, recruitment and retention. The foundation of this program is based on a 14-year period of The Colony Fire ...
  15. Women In Fire
    Whether it is the next meal, the call you wish would or would not ring in, or what you are doing on your day off, planning for the event is a lost art. In today’s fast-paced, immediate-gratification-d ...
  16. Women In Fire
    Firehouse culture is one of the most unquantifiable metrics on how effective a fire department will be. In a time when the minimum standard is often mediocrity, this class will dive into what it takes ...
  17. Women In Fire
    The fire service has no shortage of problems and challenges to address. Trying to find the root of that issue and then solving it can be quite complex. Using data and information, coupled with departm ...