Must Read: All Hands-on Training Students PPE Requirements
PPE/SCBA Requirements for Hands-on Training
All hands-on training students must bring their own NFPA-compliant bunker or technical rescue gear. FDIC International does not supply personal protective equipment (PPE). The requirements vary depending on the classes. FDIC SUPPLIES ALL SCBAs. DO NOT BRING YOUR SCBA. If you are in an IDLH class, a link will be sent to you for SCBA Fit Testing scheduling. The PPE requirements per class are listed below.
Hands-On Training Evolutions
The following classes require full bunker gear, which includes NFPA-compliant turnout coat and pants, helmet, hood, firefighting boots, and gloves.
Live Fire: Aggressive Thermal Imaging Search
Live Fire: Can Confidence-Searching for Life and Fire
Live Fire: Critical Actions for First-Arriving Crews
Live Fire: Fire Tactics for Limited Staffing
Live Fire: Flashover-Studying Modern Fire Behavior
Live Fire: Operating in the Flow Path
Live Fire: RIT Under Fire
Live Fire: Vent-Enter-Search
Residential Primary Search: Making the Grab
H.O.S.E.: Hoisting, Operating, Stretching, Estimating
Truck Essentials for Effective and Efficient Outcomes
The following classes can accommodate bunker gear or technical rescue gear. Technical rescue gear includes jumpsuit or two-piece rescue gear specifically designed for recue and extrication duty, OSHA and/or ANSI-compliant helmet (hard hat), steel-toed boots, ANSI-compliant eye protection, and gloves.
Active Shooter Response for the First-Due Company
Advanced Vehicle Extrication
Common Sense Technical Rescue
Forcible Entry: The “Keys to the Job”
Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Response
Elevator Emergency Management Operations
Heavy Extrication
Man vs. Machinery
Tower Rescue and Rope Operations
Hands-on (H.O.T) Workshops
Each class description has detailed PPE requirements specific to that class. In general, students who plan to participate in the hands-on portion of these classes will be required to have technical rescue gear: jumpsuit or two-piece rescue gear specifically designed for rescue and extrication duty, OSHA and/or ANSI-compliant helmet (hard hat), steel-toed boots, ANSI-compliant eye protection, and gloves. Structural PPE is not required but is acceptable. Students without PPE are welcome to observe the hands-on portions.
All students are required to submit the FDIC H.O.T. Liability Waiver signed by the chief of their fire department.
Buses will load promptly at 6:30 AM except for RIT Under Fire, which must stage at 5:45 AM for prompt bus departure at 6:00 AM. All H.O.T. attendees should be at the convention center no later than 6:00 AM.
No personal vehicles of any kind will be allowed at any H.O.T. site due to space restrictions at many of the sites.