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  • Keyword
    • Eligible for CEH/CAPCE Credit
8:00 AM
  1. 240 mins
    This class will equip students to better prepare for an incident involving semis, heavy vehicles, and buses by discussing vehicle design and construction and exploring how this relates to the incident ...
  2. 240 mins
    The Rescue Task Force concept provides a framework for law enforcement, fire, and EMS to work cohesively to provide point-of-wound care to victims of active threat events. Agencies will only be prepar ...
  3. 240 mins
    Instructors present challenging and difficult extrication scenarios requiring advance skills to stabilize vehicles, gain entry, and remove and treat patients entrapped and entangled in the wreckage. T ...
  4. 240 mins
    Successful rescue of a drowning victim is dependent exclusively on rapid water rescue and aggressive, high-performance resuscitation, performed within a 300-second window. This is a skills-intensive c ...
  5. 240 mins
    Students will face four technical rescue scenarios--car into a building, scaffolding rescue, fork truck/high rack shelving collapse, and heavy object entrapment--using tools and equipment found on mos ...
  6. 240 mins
    Incidents involving electric and hybrid vehicles are on the rise as the use of technology continues to evolve. This course is designed to prepare students for taking correct actions and avoiding commo ...
  7. 240 mins
    Students will have the opportunity to experience the process of conducting VES under live fire conditions; performing a correct size-up for VES; and handling special VES situations including hoarding, ...
  8. 240 mins
    Man vs. machinery incidents occur across the country. They may involve a person stuck in some sort of industrial machinery or be as routine as a ring stuck on a victim's finger. This class will introd ...
  9. 240 mins
    While the number of structure fires is decreasing, civilian fire deaths are increasing. As a fire service, we must get better at performing and supporting the search on a fireground. We give victims t ...
  10. 540 mins
    This class will begin with a didactic 1.5-hour lecture about safety in and around elevator equipment and an introduction on how to safely handle an elevator emergency. Participants will then be rotate ...
  11. 540 mins
    The class focuses on the initial actions of first-arriving crews at residential structure fires involving trapped occupants. Students will rotate through five tactical stations that include interior f ...
  12. 540 mins
    Join the experienced instructors at the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) who will deliver an intense course in the necessary skills to effectively operate as a member of a rapid intervention tea ...
  13. 540 mins
    This is a rope rescue course providing technical rescue personnel with hands-on experience operating on a communications tower structure. Students will learn proper techniques for climbing tower struc ...
  14. 240 mins
    The Culture Forge starts by dividing attendees into six teams. These teams will be assigned colors and a mascot. The separate teams will choose leaders and spokespersons to represent them throughout t ...
  15. 240 mins
    This workshop provides current and aspiring officers with leadership and decision making must haves to survive and even thrive as an officer. This program recognizes that this is no longer your father ...
  16. 240 mins
    This workshop will train the educator to develop simulation training that will enhance all levels of certification and experiences.  We will develop learning objectives and goals to allow any educator ...
1:00 PM
  1. 240 mins
    This class will equip students to better prepare for an incident involving semis, heavy vehicles, and buses by discussing vehicle design and construction and exploring how this relates to the incident ...
  2. 240 mins
    Successful rescue of a drowning victim is dependent exclusively on rapid water rescue and aggressive, high-performance resuscitation, performed within a 300-second window. This is a skills-intensive c ...
  3. 240 mins
    Students will face four technical rescue scenarios--car into a building, scaffolding rescue, fork truck/high rack shelving collapse, and heavy object entrapment--using tools and equipment found on mos ...
  4. 240 mins
    Incidents involving electric and hybrid vehicles are on the rise as the use of technology continues to evolve. This course is designed to prepare students for taking correct actions and avoiding commo ...
  5. 240 mins
    Man vs. machinery incidents occur across the country. They may involve a person stuck in some sort of industrial machinery or be as routine as a ring stuck on a victim's finger. This class will introd ...
  6. 240 mins
    While the number of structure fires is decreasing, civilian fire deaths are increasing. As a fire service, we must get better at performing and supporting the search on a fireground. We give victims t ...
  7. 240 mins
    Instructors present challenging and difficult extrication scenarios requiring advance skills to stabilize vehicles, gain entry, and remove and treat patients entrapped and entangled in the wreckage. T ...
  8. 240 mins
    Students will have the opportunity to experience the process of conducting VES under live fire conditions; performing a correct size-up for VES; and handling special VES situations including hoarding, ...
  9. 240 mins
    The Rescue Task Force concept provides a framework for law enforcement, fire, and EMS to work cohesively to provide point-of-wound care to victims of active threat events. Agencies will only be prepar ...
1:30 PM
  1. 240 mins
    It is a repetitious news headline: “Active Shooter Reported! Multiple Deaths Confirmed, Several More Injured.” Yet, emergency services organizations are still attempting to define their specific role ...
  2. 240 mins
    This class focuses on our fire service mission and discusses the impact "difficult people" can have on our daily success. The instructor shares his personal experiences in managing personnel who consi ...
  3. 210 mins
    Learn the value and importance of effective leadership skills in the fire service. Many of today's problems in the firehouse and on the fireground can be traced back to insufficient and ineffective le ...
  4. 240 mins
    This is a core class in officer, aspiring officer, and member development. It explores and explains the essentials of well-rounded organizational leadership and the obligations of all ranks and levels ...
  5. 240 mins
    This workshop is based on the new best-selling book from Fire Engineering. The workshop will go inside the command post with new footage and radio traffic of multiple incidents, including live rescues ...
8:00 AM
  1. 240 mins
    Instructors present challenging and difficult extrication scenarios requiring advance skills to stabilize vehicles, gain entry, and remove and treat patients entrapped and entangled in the wreckage. T ...
  2. 240 mins
    Successful rescue of a drowning victim is dependent exclusively on rapid water rescue and aggressive, high-performance resuscitation, performed within a 300-second window. This is a skills-intensive c ...
  3. 240 mins
    Incidents involving electric and hybrid vehicles are on the rise as the use of technology continues to evolve. This course is designed to prepare students for taking correct actions and avoiding commo ...
  4. 240 mins
    Students will face four technical rescue scenarios--car into a building, scaffolding rescue, fork truck/high rack shelving collapse, and heavy object entrapment--using tools and equipment found on mos ...
  5. 240 mins
    This class will equip students to better prepare for an incident involving semis, heavy vehicles, and buses by discussing vehicle design and construction and exploring how this relates to the incident ...
  6. 240 mins
    Man vs. machinery incidents occur across the country. They may involve a person stuck in some sort of industrial machinery or be as routine as a ring stuck on a victim's finger. This class will introd ...
  7. 240 mins
    While the number of structure fires is decreasing, civilian fire deaths are increasing. As a fire service, we must get better at performing and supporting the search on a fireground. We give victims t ...
  8. 240 mins
    Students will have the opportunity to experience the process of conducting VES under live fire conditions; performing a correct size-up for VES; and handling special VES situations including hoarding, ...
  9. 240 mins
    The Rescue Task Force concept provides a framework for law enforcement, fire, and EMS to work cohesively to provide point-of-wound care to victims of active threat events. Agencies will only be prepar ...
  10. 540 mins
    The class focuses on the initial actions of first-arriving crews at residential structure fires involving trapped occupants. Students will rotate through five tactical stations that include interior f ...
  11. 540 mins
    This class will begin with a didactic 1.5-hour lecture about safety in and around elevator equipment and an introduction on how to safely handle an elevator emergency. Participants will then be rotate ...
  12. 540 mins
    This is a rope rescue course providing technical rescue personnel with hands-on experience operating on a communications tower structure. Students will learn proper techniques for climbing tower struc ...
  13. 540 mins
    Join the experienced instructors at the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) who will deliver an intense course in the necessary skills to effectively operate as a member of a rapid intervention tea ...
  14. 240 mins
    Attendees will get an in-depth look at the three pillars of organizational success. This workshop will cover the value of understanding intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and interpers ...
  15. 240 mins
    Fire service organizations have long created mental representations for members in the form of written narratives, audio-visual accounts, and training simulations. These slides are especially importan ...
  16. 240 mins
    This lecture will cover many topics related to search. It will keep the focus on our primary mission of the fire service—life! With our modern fire environment, time is not a luxury we have, and it is ...
  17. 240 mins
    Are you truly willing to evaluate yourself as an instructor and develop new skills? It is imperative to challenge yourself as an instructor to break away from the status quo. Only in a state of discom ...
  18. 240 mins
    This program focuses on tangible ways to increase your leadership influence and build your command presence. It breaks down behaviors and tactics to make you a more effective chief, officer, or firefi ...
  19. 240 mins
    Tension pneumothorax is commonly unidentified and undertreated by EMS. There has been an expansion of scope-of-practice across the nation, allowing paramedics to perform finger thoracostomy for suspec ...
1:00 PM
  1. 240 mins
    This class will equip students to better prepare for an incident involving semis, heavy vehicles, and buses by discussing vehicle design and construction and exploring how this relates to the incident ...
  2. 240 mins
    The Rescue Task Force concept provides a framework for law enforcement, fire, and EMS to work cohesively to provide point-of-wound care to victims of active threat events. Agencies will only be prepar ...
  3. 240 mins
    Successful rescue of a drowning victim is dependent exclusively on rapid water rescue and aggressive, high-performance resuscitation, performed within a 300-second window. This is a skills-intensive c ...
  4. 240 mins
    Students will face four technical rescue scenarios--car into a building, scaffolding rescue, fork truck/high rack shelving collapse, and heavy object entrapment--using tools and equipment found on mos ...
  5. 240 mins
    Man vs. machinery incidents occur across the country. They may involve a person stuck in some sort of industrial machinery or be as routine as a ring stuck on a victim's finger. This class will introd ...
  6. 240 mins
    While the number of structure fires is decreasing, civilian fire deaths are increasing. As a fire service, we must get better at performing and supporting the search on a fireground. We give victims t ...
  7. 240 mins
    Incidents involving electric and hybrid vehicles are on the rise as the use of technology continues to evolve. This course is designed to prepare students for taking correct actions and avoiding commo ...
  8. 240 mins
    Instructors present challenging and difficult extrication scenarios requiring advance skills to stabilize vehicles, gain entry, and remove and treat patients entrapped and entangled in the wreckage. T ...
  9. 240 mins
    Students will have the opportunity to experience the process of conducting VES under live fire conditions; performing a correct size-up for VES; and handling special VES situations including hoarding, ...
1:30 PM
  1. 240 mins
    This workshop delves into the essential role of leadership in supporting the mental health of first responders. It highlights the importance of cultivating a supportive organizational culture through ...
  2. 240 mins
    There is nothing quite like a firehouse. It can be the most incredible experience of your life or a miserable exile to purgatory. It can be a place of learning where skills are honed and techniques re ...
  3. 240 mins
    This workshop will review the decision making that occurred on large-scale incidents. Then, based on the six steps of becoming a critical decision maker, it will review case study decisions from this ...
  4. 240 mins
    This workshop is designed to improve individual and team performance on and off the fire scene. Participants are exposed to a carefully crafted matrix of lecture, animations, real-world scenarios, and ...
10:30 AM
  1. 105 mins
    Have you ever wondered why pediatrics causes so much anxiety for pre-hospital providers? Why is it that even with years of experience, pediatric resuscitation never seems to get any easier? The answer ...
  2. 105 mins
    In the modern fire service, where nothing is constant except change, one thing must remain paramount: the ability for leaders to connect with and inspire the people in their charge. No matter your lev ...
  3. 105 mins
    With a nationwide shortage of paramedics, more and more EMT-Basics are looking to advance their careers and return to school to become paramedics. However, even before you go back to school, there are ...
  4. 105 mins
    This class focuses on human dynamics and critical thinking skills rather than operational/administrative aspects. Leadership can be taught, but effectiveness comes from experience. This class enlighte ...
  5. 105 mins
    No matter how fast your scene is evolving or how quickly your patient is dying, our critical, time-compressed decisions can make things worse.  Concepts of maritime damage control have great relevance ...
  6. 105 mins
    The reason leadership is such a buzzword is because having great leadership in our organizations is at a premium. A 2023 study conducted by the Center for Analytics and Behavioral Research found a dra ...
  7. 105 mins
    Man vs. machinery incidents occur across the country. They may involve a person stuck in some sort of industrial machinery or be as routine as a ring stuck on a victim's finger. Is your department pre ...
  8. 105 mins
    This class delves into the exciting realm of artificial intelligence and its transformative role in EMS/fire education. Whether you're an educator, student, or practitioner, it offers a unique opportu ...
  9. 105 mins
    This class will introduce officers and aspiring fire service leaders to some of the most important skills they will need to become more effective leaders in today's fire service. Those skills include ...
  10. 105 mins
    This class will provide a clear understanding of the scope of the cancer problem in the fire service. Using the most current research on firefighter cancer, the students will gain a clear understandin ...
1:00 PM
  1. 240 mins
    This workshop is based on the new best-selling book from Fire Engineering. The workshop will go inside the command post with new footage and radio traffic of multiple incidents, including live rescues ...
1:30 PM
  1. 105 mins
    This class will cover the program that was developed with a major metropolitan area to shorten onboarding time from three months to two weeks. It will discuss the benefits of using simulation as a "tr ...
  2. 105 mins
    This class covers two major topics: (1) Hands-on Leadership, discussing this progressive leadership style as well as the key factors for success; and (2) RIT Operations, examining the many facets of R ...
  3. 105 mins
    This class challenges decades of leadership literature from academia to military to the fire service. It brings long sought-after clarity for distinguishing leadership from management and leadership a ...
  4. 105 mins
    This class covers the latest in hybrid and electric vehicle response and addresses what resources need to know about these ever-increasingly popular vehicles.  Topics include EV components and safe re ...
  5. 105 mins
    The fire dervice is seeing an ever-increasing occurrence of violent events secondary to our EMS/first responder roles. This course will help you identify potential hostile situations from before the t ...
  6. 105 mins
    This class is an in-depth refresher for BLS providers regarding cardiology and related prehospital emergencies. It will start with an overview of BLS assessment and patient interview for the patient s ...
  7. 105 mins
    Prehospital care providers must make split-second decisions daily, often with profound implications on the patient’s outcome.  However, as the adage goes, “the patient doesn’t read the protocols” ofte ...
  8. 105 mins
    Approximately 95% of civilian fire deaths occur in the residential setting.  This should be our bread and butter.  Yet many departments are plagued with a passive search culture.  Our goal should be t ...
  9. 105 mins
    It is not enough to want to make a positive difference; you must put in the hard work and be prepared for the success of your goals and the inevitable backlash from critics! Any cause worth your passi ...
  10. 105 mins
    This class is rooted in the lessons learned from working with a diverse group of training officers. It is designed for current and aspiring training officers in emergency services. The main objective ...
  11. 105 mins
    This class reviews the top administrative policies and operational practices every fire department must have to prevent liability, firefighter injuries, and public embarrassment and to increase profic ...
3:30 PM
  1. 105 mins
    Learn 11 key elements of successful fire department fitness programs. From medical and fitness evaluations to creating fitness SOGs and purchasing cost-effective fitness equipment, this class will giv ...
  2. 105 mins
    This class consists of six sections: The predictive brain, outline of the Predictive Coding Theory, from theory to intervention, situational influencing of the adaptive unconscious is at the heart of ...
  3. 105 mins
    Good vehicle extrication demands a unique collaboration between rescue and emergency medical personnel. Incorporating key victim assessment information in the extrication size-up will improve your str ...
  4. 105 mins
    This class emphasizes the critical role of a designated mentor in the fire service, known as the field training officer (FTO). Unlike general training officers or chiefs, the FTO is a specially traine ...
  5. 105 mins
    The legal stakes for firefighters/medics are higher than ever--including criminal prosecution and jail. This session will help lead you through that minefield, including review of "excited delirium" a ...
  6. 105 mins
    Becoming an "upstreamist" involves adopting a proactive and preventive approach to addressing problems, focusing on their root causes rather than just dealing with the symptoms or consequences. This c ...
  7. 105 mins
    This class provides a systematic approach and mental models for positioning firefighters for success and survival in the firehouse and on the fireground. Topics include defining what functional and dy ...
  8. 105 mins
    The three degrees of Mayday is a concept where the incident commander summons and assembles a RIT based on the size and complexity of the event that is endangering the firefighters. If we take this in ...
  9. 105 mins
    Looking critically at the seemingly unsurmountable challenges we have in the fire service today. No matter what your rank, from chief to probie, the challenges are far more than responding to emergenc ...
  10. 105 mins
    As community paramedicine grows and the longevity of people with chronic medical conditions increases, the number of patients with medical support devices will increase accordingly. Prehospital care p ...
  11. 105 mins
    This class will delve into prehospital medical providers' unique challenges in remote environments, exploring the crossover between wilderness medicine and civilian EMS. It will discuss how these uniq ...
  12. 105 mins
    How do you be on your game when it really counts--the few instances when our sometimes sense of complacency, if not tedium or boredom, is replaced by the emotional call of a crashing asthmatic, a hypo ...
8:00 AM
  1. 240 mins
    This workshop is based on the new best-selling book from Fire Engineering. The workshop will go inside the command post with new footage and radio traffic of multiple incidents, including live rescues ...
10:30 AM
  1. 105 mins
    Understanding a patient's full history and completing a rapid but in-depth assessment can upgrade your care, even if you're working with a limited scope of basic life support.  In this lecture session ...
  2. 105 mins
    As the opioid crisis continues across the country, heroin is being combined with powerful synthetics for a better, cheaper high. It seems like every week, there’s news of a first responder overdosing ...
  3. 105 mins
    Training is one of the most critical events in your organization. Continuous and quality training establishes muscle memory, knowledge, and discipline for fire and rescue responses, creating a safer e ...
  4. 105 mins
    Huge signing bonuses and increased wages will not build your candidate pool.  There is no silver bullet, and what has worked in the past will not work today.  The key in addressing recruitment and ret ...
  5. 105 mins
    There are more than 500,000 burns each year in the United States; 50,000 of these require hospitalization and 15,000 of these are pediatric.  Understanding and managing these patients is key to care. ...
  6. 105 mins
    Marriage can either be a passionate, intimate love affair that lasts a lifetime or a toxic, contentious experience that ends in utter heartbreak.  Add in the unique challenges presented by the rough a ...
  7. 105 mins
    Review the requirements for proper post exposure medical follow-up for bloodborne, airborne, and droplet transmitted diseases. This class will discuss the role of the department’s designated officer f ...
  8. 105 mins
    Recent research indicates that a key indicator and predictor of true leadership is an individual's capacity to find meaning in negative events and learn from challenging circumstances. The Stress Mana ...
1:00 PM
  1. 240 mins
    This workshop is based on the new best-selling book from Fire Engineering. The workshop will go inside the command post with new footage and radio traffic of multiple incidents, including live rescues ...
1:30 PM
  1. 105 mins
    Leading and creating opportunities for others is immensely rewarding, yet it can also be highly frustrating, especially when managing unengaged, unmotivated, or disgruntled individuals in the firehous ...
  2. 105 mins
    In a unique profession where camaraderie is important and we thrive off peer groups, how do you effectively create and maintain boundaries while finding a new support system? This class is designed to ...
  3. 105 mins
    9-1-1 normally responds to a crisis, but what happens when 9-1-1 is in crisis? Public safety agencies face their own emergencies--loss of facilities, financial crisis, and personnel issues. Understand ...
  4. 105 mins
    What is one constant in fire/EMS? That most of the litigation agencies must respond to is brought by their very own personnel. There is a constant stream of litigation, complaints, and reports. Some c ...
  5. 105 mins
    Instructors are responsible for distilling the need-to-know information from the nice-to-know and nuts-to-know information that overwhelms our standard training and saps our time and attention. Why is ...
  6. 105 mins
    Learn to identify your department's training needs by performing a gap analysis and using this with the guidance of current best practices in the industry to formulate a one- to three-year training pr ...
  7. 105 mins
    Learn how stress management and the processing of trauma can prevent the inappropriate expression of anger and alcohol abuse.  This class will start by addressing the stress response, common signs of ...
  8. 105 mins
    Over the past 100 years, trauma care has come full circle on the battlefield, with whole blood administration while treating the men and women who proudly serve our country. But why does it take the t ...
  9. 105 mins
    Firefighters and the departments they work for face demanding situations daily, showcasing unwavering resilience, dedication, and response capabilities. However, the toll on individuals and their ment ...
  10. 105 mins
    Vehicle extrication is a puzzle with constantly changing rules. Manufacturers strive to make the best vehicles on the road so they can make the most sales. They design their vehicles to perform safely ...
  11. 105 mins
    This class will dive deep into the most controversial pharmacotherapy options for critically ill patients. Real cases will be presented along with supporting cutting-edge literature to ensure that att ...
  12. 105 mins
    Airway management is one of the first things we are taught as EMS providers, and it's one of the foundation blocks of our training. Often being one of the first things we assess on our patients, we mu ...
3:30 PM
  1. 105 mins
    The EMT has been the backbone of EMS since its inception, but it is not an “entry level job,” as it brings with it responsibility, accountability, and an ever-growing scope of practice and required kn ...
  2. 105 mins
    Many agencies are underfunded but still are expected to meet their mission and goals. The fire service falls within this realm. Fire service equipment, training, and related costs such as insurance ar ...
  3. 105 mins
    In the ever-advancing landscape of firefighting, the integration of data and technology into wellness programs is not just beneficial but essential. This session will delve into how fire departments c ...
  4. 105 mins
    This class will showcase the unique and challenging environment of providing medical care on an island in Lake Erie. With no local hospital or physicians, the local EMS service provides the most advan ...
  5. 105 mins
    There are as many theories about leadership as there are authors; but it can be difficult translating theory into practice.  In reality, most firefighters and officers don't deal with theories--they n ...
  6. 105 mins
    The transition to the new National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS) is upon us, and the fire service stands to benefit substantially from the change. This course outlines the intent, proc ...
  7. 105 mins
    This class will examine the resources and tools available to the modern fire/EMS instructor emphasizing the efficacy of providing an updated, interactive, engaging learning experience for the audience ...
  8. 105 mins
    Bias in algorithms is an expensive oversight with significant human consequences, disproportionately affecting some communities. As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a critical tool across industri ...
  9. 105 mins
    A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain becomes occluded or ruptures, resulting in paralysis or death of the patient. There are approximately 800,000 strokes a year, resulting in 50% of large ...
  10. 105 mins
    Timely, meaningful, and effective prehospital interventions are essential to improving outcomes in critical trauma patients. This interactive presentation will discuss the most current evidence-based ...
8:30 AM
  1. 105 mins
    This comprehensive and engaging class will draw on 40 years of the instructor’s personal experience and professional insight to provide valuable lessons for the participants on topics such as guiding ...
  2. 105 mins
    Do you have what it takes to be a great fire service professional of any rank in the year 2025 and more importantly beyond? Situations personnel in the fire service (firefighter up to fire chief) may ...
  3. 105 mins
    What is the number one reason for failure in the firehouse or on the fireground? Communication. And while 90% of the fires we fight are in the firehouse, we rarely spend the time practicing the critic ...
  4. 105 mins
    As a first responder, have you ever cared for a victim of human trafficking? When off duty, have you ever encountered a victim of human trafficking? Human trafficking is the fastest growing organized ...
  5. 105 mins
    This class will provide an overview of data analysis and use of data by fire and emergency services organizations.  Participants will be informed of basic and advanced concepts from a managerial persp ...
  6. 105 mins
    Public service is widely regarded as a noble and essential profession. Within that realm, the fire service holds a particularly esteemed position. Despite this, fire departments across the country con ...
  7. 105 mins
    Transform how you approach pediatric emergencies with Saving Young Lives, a dynamic, hands-on class on Pediatric High-Performance CPR led by seasoned experts from Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. This s ...
  8. 105 mins
    Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) will be compared and contrasted in this class. Attendees will also be exposed to various forms of Tactical EMS assessme ...
  9. 105 mins
    Today's fire service requires excellence on all fronts. Your department expects efficiency regarding training, record keeping, agency compliance, and safety. The citizens expect effectiveness in deliv ...
  10. 105 mins
    Fire service leaders are losing followers every day. The service is left adrift without leaders while some in the service advocate abandoning the chief officers and company officers in favor of the gr ...
  11. 105 mins
    This class addresses the need for advocacy within the EMS profession. Advocacy means identify methods to speak with local, state, and federal legislators or decision makers to further the education of ...
  12. 105 mins
    Many officers want to be seen as a leader, not a manager. To the point that the term manager carries a negative connotation; however, how does a supervisor deal with an employee who does not want to b ...
10:30 AM
  1. 105 mins
    Dive into the transformative power of embracing discomfort as a pathway to growth and authentic leadership. This session explores the necessity of creating “space for grace”—the ability to show compas ...
  2. 105 mins
    This presentation will take an in-depth look at the lessons learned from the 2016 wildfires in the Great Smoky Mountains. The exceptional drought and wind conditions in late November 2016 caused an in ...
  3. 105 mins
    This class will address some of the current flaws and common beliefs in the practice of EMS. The discussion is supported by the latest evidence pertaining to prehospital care and resuscitation. The go ...
  4. 105 mins
    This class is designed to empower fire service leaders with the principles and practical tools necessary to foster a culture of integrity and responsibility within their departments. It will cover key ...
  5. 105 mins
    This class will review the hot legal issues affecting fire and EMS organizations daily. The format will be combined lecture and question and answer periods. Student participation will be highly encour ...
  6. 105 mins
    A commonsense approach to first-in hazmat that is relatable to all levels as well as volunteer and career departments, this class explains when firefighters instructural gear can make a rescue in a ha ...
  7. 105 mins
    The instructor will share case studies and powerful lessons learned from incidents throughout his 36-year career working on the busiest fire companies and battalions on the Chicago Fire Department. Au ...
  8. 105 mins
    Applicants for fire service vacancies aren’t knocking on your door anymore. An agency looking to fill 10 vacancies finds two qualified candidates. Qualified individuals are leaving your agency because ...
  9. 105 mins
    The role of the senior firefighter in developing young firefighters and newly promoted company officers has never been more challenging or important. The sacred responsibility and privilege of develop ...
  10. 105 mins
    This class is based on lessons learned in graduate organizational sociology and years of teaching, mentoring, and work as a step-up company officer in the fire department. It is based on the concept t ...
  11. 105 mins
    The seven "Cs" are Commitment, Competence, Confidence, Communication, Courtesy, Consistency, and Courage. Fire officers need clear messaging for themselves and others. The prevailing question on their ...
  12. 105 mins
    Our most used piece of equipment in the fire service is our personal protective equipment, but too many firefighters do not have the proper knowledge of their PPE. Learn what your PPE cannot do, provi ...
  13. 105 mins
    This class seeks to inform prehospital providers about the dangers associated with performing airway management procedures on patients who present with physiologic derangements. Using the CRASH mnemon ...
  14. 105 mins
    Thinking about the potential medicolegal consequences of your actions can sometimes be a very useful way to “up” your game; generally stay out of trouble; and, most importantly, provide high-quality p ...
  15. 105 mins
    The world of paramedicine demands unwavering courage and resilience; yet often, the experiences encountered during clinical rotations can inadvertently lead to the onset of post-traumatic stress among ...